Healthy Kids & Teens, a PRHC Wellness Program supports children, youth, and families in developing their own healthy lifestyle to achieve health at every size. Our person centred approach focuses on building habits that are sustainable, healthy, and available in your local communities. We firmly believe in supporting individuals and families where accelerated growth is impacting their daily life. We provide a comprehensive assessment, ongoing medical monitoring, as well as physical activity, skill building, nutrition education and family interventions in individual and group settings.
Healthy Kids & Teens, a PRHC Wellness Program is an outpatient program for children, teens and families who have been diagnosed by their physician or nurse practitioner with weight related complications or obesity. Through the program, families have access to a team of specialists including a pediatrician, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, dietitian, social worker, and exercise specialist. The program provides comprehensive assessment, ongoing medical monitoring, goal setting (physical activity, nutrition, screen time, sleep), skill building and family interventions in individual and group settings.