The Move It! Move It! team offers support to patients in the PRHC Emergency Department (ED). While the rest of the interprofessional ED team focuses on the medical issues (medications, tests, diagnosis, etc.), we focus on function. The Move It! Move It! team supports patients to stay active in their recovery. Our typical patient would be an older adult who is in the ED awaiting a bed on another floor. We help each patient carry out everyday activities safely so they learn what their body can handle and when they need to ask for help.  If a patient experiences even small successes early in their hospital stay, this will hopefully set a positive tone for the rest of their recovery.

For a patient who is (or who may become) weak, confused, or anxious, the Move It! Move It! Team will offer support and education to prevent further loss of function. By addressing physical strength, thinking skills, and limiting anxiety, patients can get back to their home routines more quickly.


The Move It! Move It! Team includes:

  • Occupational Therapists

  • Nurses

We are compassionate, professional and kind. We realize patients are not feeling their best while they are in the hospital, so we adapt our approaches to suit your health needs. Although we are good at working in a busy place, we realize this can be stressful for patients. We do our best to decrease anxiety and create a sense of order.


We start with an overall preventative approach – to prevent patients from losing function while in our care. During our time with patients, we tailor some treatments specifically to each person to promote safety and success. It is well understood that when patients are in the hospital, they fall out of their routines and are at risk of getting confused and anxious. This can extend their hospital stay and make it harder to get back home.

We help patients understand the plans for the day, and we help them keep track of information that is important to them. We also support patients to sit up for their meals, get to the bathroom and change positions often.

We start discussing goals and help patients come up with simple and safe ways to maintain their independence. We teach patients to listen to their body, know when to take a break, and we provide the support and motivation to keep them moving during their stay.

Having a sense of control can help reduce anxiety. Patients are encouraged to be in control of their recovery and we help them get started on this journey. Whenever possible, we help them see the connection between their activity in the hospital and their goal of getting home.


MOVE –  keep my body and mind active

IMPROVE – regain strength and confidence

GROOVE – get back into the rhythm of my routines